Money Back Guarantee

Every order comes with a free 30 day Money Back Guarantee, which means any online purchase can be 100% refunded should you change your mind. Shop online with us in confidence.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee Benefits

  • 100% refund within 30 days from date of purchase
  • Shop with confidence in case your plans change
  • Simple and quick refund process

How does the 30 day Guarantee work?

When you purchase from store, you will automatically receive a 30 day guarantee against any non-use of the product for free, giving you a full refund.

This Money Back Guarantee is valid for 30 days and gives you an extra level of protection, so you can buy in confidence, knowing that you will get your money back in case your plans change.

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions before purchase for full details.

How Do I Claim?

If you need to claim your Money Back Guarantee, simply email us at with your full name, your  order reference number and details of your request.

You will then need to post all elements (all of which need to be in good condition in order to claim) to customer service team.

We will process your claim within five working days of receiving the returned passes by refunding your order value to the card you paid with.

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